Michael Jones wrote an article for MagPi that introduces users to the basic architecture of FPGAs, why they work well with low cost existing embedded CPU systems such as the Raspberry Pi and how the Logi-Pi opens the doors to many applications for Raspberry Pi users. Be sure the check out the article in
Jonathan Piat, wrote a great article about the API and driver implementation of the Logi-pi in this months issue of MagPi. Be sure to have a look.
The LOGi-Pi FPGA development board has arrived The first version of the LOGi-Pi PCBs were received and the first board arcticles have been assembled and are being tested. The LOGi-Pi is the latest edition ot the LOGi FPGA family. The LOGi-Pi was designed to add FPGA expansion to the Raspberry Pi in a plug
Here's a hackaday writeup of the project. It's always nice be recognized. Great Work LOGi Team! Foreword: This project allows users to easily experiment with and discover the inner workings of mining on a low cost multi-purpose platform. Note that there are currently much faster and more powerful options available for bitcoin mining including