We wanted to give you an update regarding the MFG process for final kickstarter and pre-order boards. As well, we have some updates of progress with regard to our forums, wiki and code repository.
We had great hopes of being able to ship late April (Now). Unfortunately, our MFG has let us know that they have hit a couple of snags in parts sourcing and thus there will be a minor delay in the boards being shipped. We have been given a new date of May 15 for the final LOGI boards to begin shipping. We are very sorry about any inconvenience this may cause. Thanks for your patience and support in this learning experience!
There have been questions about how to figure out if you are an Early bird backer (MFG Run1 - early shipping) or standard backer (MFG Run2 - Shipping Mid May) and figuring out when your boards will ship.
The plan was have 2 stages of MFG. MFG#1 was for a small run of LOGI boards (100xLOGI-Pi and 100xLOGI-Bone). The purpose of MFG#1 was to test the MFG process with our MFG to determine if there were going to be any problems before we ran MFG#2 (all the rest of the boards). Reduce risk of a very large “oops”.
There were only a limited number of "Early Adopter or Early Bird" boards that were available. The Early Bird pledge levels were the first to go and filled up quickly for MFG#1. All the rest of the boards were slotted for MFG#2. The other way of distinguishing between MFG#1 and MFG#2 is the "Estimated delivery" dates that are listed under each pledge level. March or April, Where MFG#1=late March and MFG#2 = late April (now mid May).
We have setup our forum at forum.valentfx.com. We are still getting things tuned,but they are functional and you can begin receiving support, talking to each other, sharing your great thoughts and ideas! So please drop by and say hello! We are working on implementing some features such as a point system and badges with given rewards such as free logi boards for active and helpful users. Let us know as you have further ideas for features that you would like to see in the forum.
We are also actively working on adding to our wiki content for drivers, software, projects and everything else you need to know. We hope to create full and thorough documentation for the logi boards. Wiki’s allow for living documentation and we hope to keep up to date with helpful information. Please give us feedback on what you see and missing or as you see errors. As well, we are happy to give you full access to the wiki to add your own content of to help is fixing up our. This is a great way to get “points” for getting your free promotional logi boards.
We have also been cleaning and re-structuring our repository on github to make it as easy to use as possible. We have partitioned the different types of repo elements by putting them into separate repositories such as hardware, tools, projects, boards, mechanical, etc. There are pros and cons including the possibility of the repositories getting out of sync with each other and having to run a “pull” to each separately to get them back into sync. This has especially been a problem with the logi-projects repository as the projects are dependent on these external repositories and if they are not up to date the projects will not build properly.
We have added a separate repository for the logi-projects called logi-projects-packed (for packaged). The packed repo creates a snapshot of the known working state of the given projects and pulls all external references to the project into a single archived directory. This guarantees that the project will be successfully be built and there will be no build conflicts as drivers and other external references are updated. You can checkout the new packed projects README file for more information and to explore the projects.
Have ideas/thoughts on the repository? Drop by the forums and drop us a line in note.forum.valentfx.com
We have created updated pre-configured logi images that contain all of the logi-tools and logi-apps that will allow to you most effectively get start using the LOGI boards with the RPi and BBB. See specific information about the LOGI images for the Rpi and BBB in the wiki documentation. Additionally here are direct downloads for the images for you to get started with.
LOGI-Pi Logi-Image details and Download link
LOGI-Bone Logi-Image details and Download link
Have further thoughts and suggestions? Drop by the forum (beta) and let us know!
The LOGI-Team