An acrylic base was designed for the LOGi-Mark1. The LOGi-Mark1 is designed to be used in multiple different environments including being used as an shield or expansion board for the Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone or Arduino. In order for the LOGi-Mark1 to work in all these environments expansion headers must be populated to interconnect to the respective embedded platform. When the headers are installed they protrude from the bottom of the board and expose many of the onboard signals. The headers and exposed signals would be placed directly on the surface without an alternative solution. This would make the LOGi-Mark1 difficult to use when it is not connected to an embedded host.
An acrylic base was designed to allow the LOGi-Mark1 to be used standalone mode while having the expansion headers poplulated. The Acrylic base uses the existing mounting holes and standoffs to create a supporting platform for the LOGi-Mark1. The standoffs allow the headers to be elevated removing potential for mechanical or electrical interference.
The Acrylic base was desgined using solidworks. Leah at kindly put her laser cutter to work to cut out the acrylic pieces. Some pictures of the installed acrylic base can be seen below.