The LOGI Cam is designed specifically make video applications with the LOGI Boards a snap. The LOGI Cam PCB allows for a plug and play experience with the OV7670 or the OV7725 camera modules and the LOGI Boards. The kickstarter LOGI Cam package will ship with OV7670 Camera module and will allow you start working directly with the existing LOGi machine vision code or general image/video processing by Jonathan Piat.
Applications in image processing technology are becoming more and more prevalent with the availability of low cost high performance electronics systems. The addition of image processing algorithms to such systems enables applications such as object tracking and detection, autonomous movement, ambient change recognition, etc. Image processing is known to be very data processing intensive based on the amount of data needed to be processed and the speed which the data needs to be processed. FPGA technology handles both of these requirements very well, which makes FPGA’s, especially in conjunction with high performance embedded systems, a very powerful tool for implementing a vast array of applications.