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  • OK So I've found my way to Jonathan's patch file within the RCN kernel build directory. I'm left with a set of choices each with pros and cons -- The most desirable would simply to unload the existing .dtb  and reload the device tree I propose to …
  • I totally agree. However, knowing the particular advantages of one approach vs another takes time to learn and understand. All well beyond the experience level of a young engineer, On the other hand, I quess that was why the question was asked in th…
  • One other bit of advice comes to mind. Several years after building my FPGA base real time Kalman Image processor I came back to look at the problem with the GPU also added to the signal processing mix. Everything had flipped. Even though I was usin…
  • Just the basic Logibone_wishbone.  As a point of insuring my sanity I'd Like to try the original files that would have applied back in February of last year if their handy. I don't really believe that much has changed but it's worth a try. BTW…
  •  Having some recent experience in this, namely 2D Kalman image filtering for real time fluoroscopy, I would offer the following advice. Start by tracking retro reflectors on the humans shoes, then track the shoes with/without the retros. Then gradua…
  • Here is the result of running dmesg root@arm:/home/ubuntu/logi-tools# dmesg | grep LOGI [    1.697191] bone-capemgr bone_capemgr.8: slot #0: 'BB-BONE-LOGIBONE,00R1,VALENTFX,BB-BONE-LOGIBONE' [    1.927764] bone-capemgr bone_capemgr.8: loader: befor…
  • I'm still trying to come to some resolution, opinion, or well considered judgement about how one can best go about the development process in general. In the case of FPGAs its clear that we're going to do the development on a host machine running We…
  • Thank you so much! That worked great. It seems I had tried every su command I could think of except that one.
  • It would be helpful if you would just post the latest Logi-Bone .dts that describes both the Wishbone and SPI interfaces.