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  • I complied the kernel based on the instructions you linked to above. Once the kernel is compiled on an external computer and I have modified the dts file, do I need to recompile the kernel?  Also, how do I get the newly compiled kernel written to …
  • Thank you for the answers. I am now a bit confused about how to have changes in the dts file be reflected in the BBB. I tried generating a dtbo file from my changed dts file using the following command: dtc -O dtb -o BB-BONE-LOGIBONE-00R1.dtbo …
  • You are correct jpiat. I was thrown off by the "MEMORY_LAYOUT.TXT" that came with the logi-wishbone project under logi-projects. The one that seemed to be correct was here: http://valentfx.com/wiki/index.php?title=LOGI_-_Wishbone_-_Project#Running…
  • Ok, thank you. I truly appreciate your help.  Do you have a bitfile for the wishbone demo? I'm trying to run it and the write doesn't seem to work. The sequence of steps I have been taking is: Read 0x0000 to get "0xdead" Read 0x0001 to get "0…
  • I followed your instructions and have the image you linked running from the SD card without having to use the boot select button. I cloned logi-tools from github and ran: sudo ./install_logibone.sh Then I rebooted the board. I still don't se…
  • Will this new image always be required to run from the SD card? I was trying to get the os set up in the emmc to avoid having to press the boot select button on power up. 
  • The data.eeprom file there was corrupted. I created a new one with the compiled c file and entered the information you posted for when you ran the script. For some reason though, and I don't even know if it is related, now I can't ssh to the beagleb…
  • Thank you for your help! When I compile the c file "mk_logibone_eeprom.c" and run it, it asks me to enter then name of the board. What exact name should I put for this? Does it even matter what the name is?