I brought a new Logi Pi with Raspberry pi,
I am a high school student and I don't know much about FPGA, but I want to learn and I did learn some VHDL,
However, I am thinking to implement this on my Logi PI
http://opencores.org/project,ao68000Is this possible on LOGI PI, Or is there some other way I can see my LOGI PI to become a Motorola 68000 and booting a Linux m68k

I am sure you people gonna help me out, this what my Summer course is all about
This seems like a very interesting project. If you succeed you will end up with a neo/retro computing platform ! The core as presented on opencores should fit on the spartan 6, but you will have to tweak the project because it may use some resources specific to Altera FPGAs.
You will also be able to get the Pi to communicate with the 68000 through UART or use the LOGI-EDU to add a VGA display.
Do you have any idea of the SDRAM requirements to run the m68k Linux port ?
This may be a very hard project if you just started to learn FPGA/HDL but sometime a ambitious goal help with the motivation. Keep us updated and we will help you as much as possible.
Jonathan piat
Thanks for the help