I am using a DTS to configure my BBB to communicate with my GPS via UART4_TXD (P9.13) & RXD (P9.11) GPIO_29 for the PPS and when I activate my custom dts, I receive a conflict P9.13 error. I have taken a look at the pinout of the Logi-Bone on the wiki and there is no indication that this pin is being used by the Logi-Bone. I then took a look at the
Github dts file and I can see a reference GPMC_WPN to P9.13 but no pinmux assigned. Will I be safe to comment out this line and recompile the dts or is it used by the Logi-Bone and if so what for ?
Many thanks for your help,
this was corrected in the logibone kernel support since bone59 kernels (but i forgot to update the github with the fix). If you move to a more recent distribution you should not have problems anymore. Since logibone is now integrated into the mainline kernel, you cannot just recompile the dts file but have ot recompile the whole kernel. If you download latest Ubuntu from http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu or latest Debian from http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardDebian , you 'll just have to run steps starting from http://valentfx.com/wiki/index.php?title=Logi-Bone_Quick_Start_Guide#Install_the_LOGI_Tools to get a whole new up to date (and more bug free image). We will upload an updated image to the wiki very soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Jonathan Piat