Hello all,
I'm posting this here in hopes that I can save someone else the time and effort I've spent on trying to get the Logi-Bone R 1.5.1 (same as V2 Logibone on element14) communicating over SPI with the new BBB Wireless which runs a distribution of Debian Jessie. Below are the steps that I took, the biggest discovery for me was finding danielvilas'
post here which explains how to use the logi-kernel repo to place the proper device tree overlay in /lib/firmware
DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert with UNIX based systems or FPGA but I have dipped my feet in both before. If you see something that I am doing that is totally wrong and terrible practice (like when I add a root profile just in case I need it later....) please don't hesitate to point it out. I really just made this post to consolidate what I could find about getting BBB Wireless, a version of Jessie, and a Logi-bone playing together nicely while the OS is on eMMC.. Cheers!
## Begin by flashing eMMC with (Debian 8.7 2017-03-19 4GB SD LXQT ) then:#
# Set up wifi so we can connect without usb
sudo connmanctl
tether wifi disable
enable wifi
scan wifi
agent on
connect wifi_#_#
# connect to your listed router wifi_#_# by entering appropriate passkey, then exit connmanctl by typing:
# Adding a root access profile to the board
sudo su
# enter debian password (temppwd)
# enter and repeat new root password then turn off super user mode with:
# edit this configuration file to confirm the root profile will be accessible over ssh
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin without-password
PermitRootLogin yes
# restarting ssh service to reflect updated permissions of root
/etc/init.d/ssh restart
sudo reboot
### Daniel Vilas' additions (from discussion "beaglebone shared pins, dts overlay")
# Update Kernel
cd /opt/scripts/tools/
git pull
sudo ./update_kernel.sh
sudo reboot
# Update software and Install DTC
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
sudo reboot
# Create and copy Device tree overlay from .dts
cd /home/debian
cd logi-kernel/beaglebone-black/logibone_r1/
dtc -O dtb -o BB-BONE-LOGIBONE-00R1.dtbo -b 0 -@ BB-BONE-LOGIBONE-00R1.dts
sudo cp BB-BONE-LOGIBONE-00R1.dtbo /lib/firmware
# Add new device tree overlay to initial ram file system
sudo update-initramfs -uk `uname -r`
sudo poweroff
## For ESD protection: !!!DISCONNECT ALL WIRES!!! #
## Physically install Logibone 1.5.1 at this point, then: #
cd /home/debian
cd logi-tools/unified_loader/
nano logi_loader.h
change all /dev/spidevX.X to dev/spidev1.0
cd ..
sudo ./install_logibone.sh
sudo reboot
cd /home/debian
logi_loader logi-apps/blink_led_app/logibone_r1_blink.bit
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo reboot
Now that the Logibone is physically installed we can successfully write .bit files to it, we will look at the modifications needed to allow wishbone bus comm for applications such as streaming bytes of audio from a pdm mic on one of the logibones PMOS ports, or other sensors that have been configured with the FPGA
By default, the uEnv.txt file in /boot will have lines commented out that look like this:
##Example v4.1.x
change these lines to:
The first line will disable to HDMI output relinquishing control of the three SPI pins which are then enabled for SPI functionality with the second line
after saving the changes to uEnv.txt, reboot and cat the following file:
cat /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemngr/slots
your output should look like this:
cat /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots
1: PF---- -1
2: PF---- -1
3: PF---- -1
4: P-O-L- 0 Override Board Name,00A0,Override Manuf,BB-SPIDEV1
5: P-O-L- 1 Override Board Name,00A0,Override Manuf,BB-SPIDEV0
I know you are probably concerned, as I was, about the lack of Loading being indicated in the slots file, but if you re-run
logi_loader /home/debian/logi-apps/blink_led_app/logibone_r1_blink.bit
It should still be loading .bit files properly.
## A caveat I'm realizing about Startup scripts on the BBB Wireless
On the regular BeagleBone Black, if I wanted to add a script (in my example called recorder_startup.sh) to the initialization scripts of the BBB I would create a soft link of the desired script in the init.d folder of /etc and then update the init.d depend.start scripts by doing the following:
sudo ln -s /home/debian/jack/recorder/recorder_startup.sh
/etc/init.d # creates soft link
sudo update-rc.d recorder_startup.sh defaults # updates init.d scripts to add to depend.start
In my recorder_startup.sh script, a C function called read_mic_data is called and I have found that on the BBB Wireless, for some reason, two instances of the read_mic_data program will be running if I run the startup script using just these steps, however, I can overcome this odd behavior by adding line
sleep 30
to the top of recorder_startup.sh. Has anyone else experienced this increased boot time? I think it is possible that the init scripts are being called twice in the startup of this kernel and perhaps adding the sleep line to the script will cause the first call of the startup script to
thank you very much @jackhall !
Your instructions worked and led is blinking. I want to use wishbone. I am trying wishbone example but it does not work.
Any suggestions that can help me?
Thank you very much!
first of all, thanks for your detailed summary!
Just for the record, sudo update-initramfs -uk `uname -r` did not work for me, but
sudo update-initramfs -uk $(uname -r) did.
But I'm still stuck with editing the logi_loader.h file. Initially there where structures with "/dev/spidev2.0" and "/dev/spidev0.1". I changed both to "/dev/spidev1.0" (ignoring the following part of the enumeration that reads as "/dev/i2c-2" and "/dev/i2c-1").
When executing "install_logibone.sh" it reports
Settin up cape eeprom ID ...............
Error: Could not open file `/dev/i2c-1' or `/dev/i2c/1': No such file or directory
Error: Could not open file `/dev/i2c-1' or `/dev/i2c/1': No such file or directory
right after reading the package lists.
I already tried to change "/dev/i2c-1" in logi_loader.h to "/dev/i2c-0" or "/dev/i2c-2" with no change to the output/execution of the script.
Also in the further progress there are some reports that are suposed to be warnings like
i2c_loader.c:82:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘close’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
The script finishes without errors, but after reboot the Logibone is not mentioned in dmesg and does not work.
Do you know which part of the script relies on "/dev/i2c-1" and how to fix that? Does anyone know a comparison of what has changed regarding the i2c / spi interfaces from BBB to BBB Wireless?