Hi there LOGI-Bone community. Hope all is well!
Hey I had question for you folks. I'm involved in a PhD project where we need to capture signals at very high speed for a portable device. We are thinking of using this A2D from TI that uses serial LVDS, ADC3224 Dual-Channel, 12-Bit, 125-MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and wanted to know if the Spartan 6 will be able to handle the 125 MSPS speed? And more importantly, if we will be able to shuffle that 1.5gb/s of data somewhere that we can access it. We are basically capturing signals from 50Mhz - 400Mhz w/ some under sampling techniques. Any suggestions, ideas? We are deciding between this platform and a Zedboard (microZed) for data capture.