Quick start guides missing information on simulating

The simulator is one of the most powerful tools to the FPGA developer.  It also provides a very visual representation of a circuit in time.  It seems the quick start guides completely miss this important topic.  I also believe the project files should contain a basic testbench.



  • Hi,

    you are right simulation is an essential tool for the hardware designer. We use test-bench to evaluate our components most of the time (depends on the complexity) and some of the projects comes with a test-bench. Other test-bench (not well maintained) can be found in logi-hard/test-bench. Associating project with a test-bench does not seem relevant to us as we do not simulate the top level of the project but prefer to simulate the behavior of each individual components (and group of components). Writing tests for a design is a problem on its own and we will come up with documentation about writing test-bench and using ISE simulation tool (isim).


    Jonathan Piat
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