Configuration EEPROM of Logi Bone V2 R1.5.1


Can anyone tell me as to how the EEPROM i.e. U8 [S25FL032P0XMFI011] on the Logi Bone gets configured? Is it configured through JTAG interface via FPGA or some other means?

Thanks and Regards.


  • When I say configured means, what is the method of flashing at hardware level?
  • For now this flash needs to be configured through JTAG using the ISE tools. We plan to have the loader be able to load the flash from the host (Pi or Bone) but its not implemented for now.
  • Hi,

    Actually I did not know regarding SPI Flash configuration of xilinx earlier and so I was confused. But now I know and I have used it and so things are clear.

    Thanks for the reply.

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