LOGI-camera-demo: Pixel Timing


I'm playing around with some image processing and use the Logi-camera-demo as a basis. I can't really figure out the timing protocol of the pixels and the syncs (it is hsync and not href that is outputted, right? the output signal name is a bit confusing) after the yuv_camera_interface module. I got the same timing issue after the down_scaler module. Can someone provide me a timing chart of the pixels, vsync, hsync and href based on the pixel clock after these two modules?

Something similar to this one:




  • Hi Amanda,

    The LOGI module is shipped with the Omnivision OV7670 camera sensor and the datasheet can be found here:  http://www.voti.nl/docs/OV7670.pdf  or you can get the latest drectly from omnivision after filling out their form: http://www.ovt.com/support/datasheet.php.  Thanks for pointing out that this can be confusing and we will update the LOGI Cam doc.

    It appears that timing table you  listed is the same as foar the OV7670 sensor.  There is also code avaialable for the OV7725, but I believe the timing is the same as for the OV7670. 

    @jpiat developed the drivers for the camera interfaces and give you better further guidance and will be in touch soon.  

  • Hey!

    It's just that I did a simple implementation where I count the edges of the pixel clock between the syncs and it doesn't seem to follow the protocol from the camera. So I guess it has been slightly changed in the modules?
  • The interface module generates vsync (just as the camera protocol), hsync (not href from the camera protocol) and a pixel clock which is more a pixel enable that is synchronous to the system clock and is half the frequency of the camera pixel clock as the YUV components are deinterlaced . What method did you use to count the pixel clock edges and what are your results.

     For some details on how the camera is interfaced, read : http://www.element14.com/community/groups/fpga-group/blog/2014/12/17/gradient-filter-implementation-on-an-fpga--part-1-interfacing-an-fpga-with-a-camera

  •    This process generates a blinking LED. My VHDL is a bit rusty so maybe I'm doing something wrong?

      If I want to generate my own pixels (and ignore the camera input) should I have a delay of 17 t_line-19 t_p (where t_p is one cycle and not 2) between vsync falling and hsync rising just like for VGA, or is this delay different for QVGA?

    process(pxclk) begin
        if pxclk'event and pxclk = '1' then
            if hsync = '1' and hsync_old = '0' then
                px_count <= 1;
            elsif hsync = '0' and hsync_old = '1' then
                if px_count > 638 and px_count < 642 then  -- should be 2*(320+45+19) = 2*384 = 768
                    LED(0) <= '1';
                    LED(0) <= '0';
                end if;
            elsif hsync = '1' then
                px_count <= px_count + 1;
            end if;
            hsync_old <= hsync;
        end if;
  • Sorry, missed your link to the blog post, now I get it!

    However I had a look at the testbench for the down_scaler and the virtual camera. It seems like the v-cam waits 25-3=22 t_lines instead of 17 t_lines (as told by the camera datasheet) between the end of vsync and the start of the first hsync. Why?

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