LED0 and LED1 wrong on Early Bird version?

Hello all,

I think LED0 and LED1 are labeled incorrectly on the Kickstarter Early Bird r1.0 board.  

I just ran a small "blinky LED" project.  Nothing fancy, just clock and LED:

module ledblink(
    input clk,
    output LED

reg [23:0] cnt;
always @(posedge clk) cnt <= cnt + 24'd1;
assign LED = cnt[23];

And my ucf file:
NET clk LOC = P85;

Now when I use P140, it blinks LED1, when I use P74, it blinks LED0 even though the schematics and master ucf on github says they are reversed.  Am I missing something here?


  • The schematic I'm using is "sch-logi-bone-r1_0.PDF" the master UCF file i'm using as reference.
  • @josenj  Thanks for your feedback and you are did indeed catch a labeling mistake.  The PCB is actually labeled correctly, but the schematic and ucf file were incorrect.  I have fixed both the schematic and ucf file to properly reflect the PCB labeling and have pushed the changes to the repo.  The above links that you shared are now have the correct data.  

    Glad you were able to get things blinking.  Hope you are able to take it to the next level now.


  • Thanks Mike!
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