LogiPi Case

Mike & JP please take a look at Shortcrust Case* for RPi with extension for hat:

This is a really very nice case, and the extension should make it close to ideal for LogiPi.

However whilst LogiPi and Rpi boards are very similar in size the LogiPi currently extends out on two sides.**
And as it stands this will make it beyond most people's ability and enthusiasm....

I shall endeavour to make a sample asap.


*and was winner in this months MagPi magazine.

**It would still be necessary to accommodate holes for the PMOD connectors in the extension, though this should be easier .
I have briefly discussed a special extender with the producers, but this will need further action.


  • I have started to work on a 3D printed case for LOGI-PI a while ago but never obtained something i'am super satisfied with. Another option is to use a case composed of a plexi sandwich and just 3D print the top to protect the LOGI-PI.
  • not perhaps one for the homepage:


  • NB: this case is for the Raspberry Pi 2....
  • Looks good peepo!

    We have some older mechanical designs which we put in teh mechanical logi repo - most of which are outdated now:

    the current LOGI-Pi design fits all of the Rpi variants and thus is a little bit oversized.  If we chost to elimate the mounting holes for the A/B models we could likely squeeze down the for factor a bit.  And or we could remove one of the b+/2 mounting holes to further reduce form factor.  Kind of a hard trade-off in order to make everyone happy.  We are happy to entertain the idea of changing form factor, but woudl need to hear what the general consensus is from users.  
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