Bug? RPi reboots on shutdown.

edited March 2015 in LOGI-Pi Discussion
I found that with some bitfiles:
LogiPi caused Raspberry Pi to reboot when commanded to shutdown via ssh.
is this a bug?
I did not yet isolate which pin(s) had this effect, SPI pins not tested, so at least one of remainder.
no wires or other devices are attached:


#NET "SYS_SDA" LOC = "P98" | IOSTANDARD = LVTTL; #Shared with Arduino SDA
#NET "SYS_SCL" LOC = "P97" | IOSTANDARD = LVTTL; #Shared with Arduino SCL
#NET "SYS_TX" LOC= "P83" | IOSTANDARD = LVTTL; #Pi output FPGA input #Shared with Arduino TX
#NET "SYS_RX" LOC= "P82" | IOSTANDARD = LVTTL; #Pi input FPGA output #Shared with Arduino RX


  • Never encountered this bug ... Can you link in the top-level file that you are using ?
  • to be clear, its not LogiPi-code
    its a variation on: http://www.pyroelectro.com/tutorials/fpga_vga_resistor_dac/software.html
    probably not enough to go on?

    I'll have a go at a reduced testcase and post,
    but clues as to which pin might be the cause?
  • You are right that the RPI_GPIO pnis are the most likely to create the bug. What i observed with raspberry-pi is that shuting it down is just performed in software (compared to beaglebone black that shutdown its own voltage regulator and really shuts down) so i guess that you can easily wake it up. My guess would go to the serial pins as the Pi could still be sensitive to incoming data on the serial lines as serial is the debug port of the linux kernel of the raspberry-pi. The other IO should not be able to wake up the Pi as these are not configured by default ... One thing to try could be to have a serial adapter plugged-in the raspberry pi and send some serial traffic after it has shut down. If this wake up the Pi, the serial port pins are to blame.
  • edited March 2015
    my thoughts were not as clear,

    i'll forward link to RPi:



  • @peepo

    "LogiPi caused Raspberry Pi to reboot when commanded to shutdown via ssh.
    is this a bug?"

    Can you clarify the process that leads to the reboot - it is not clear how the logi-pi has any part of the re-boot affect?

    Are you saying that when the logi-pi is plugged in, you give a shutdown via ssh, the pi will then re-boot rather than shutdown?  So the only part the logi-pi would play is that it is plugged in (presumably)?  If you unplug the logi-pi and run the same process you get a proper shutdown rather than a re-boot?

  • @mjones

    logi-pi has bitfile loaded, which is sending data across RPi GPIO pins,
    I would not expect this to effect shutdown, but it does.

    have reported to RPi lists:
    rpdom suggests SDA pin may be responsible on older models.
  • SCL is pin to avoid in my tests.
  • @peepo

    Good to know.  There is always the option to reset the FPGA before shutting down:  logi_loader -r  

    On the lbone we have jumpers to optionally remove/add the BBB i2c lines to the fpga.  We will look into adding this on to the pi as well.  
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