I´m struggling trying to use SPI0 with logi-bone... after reading several articles I´m still confused...
Is there any simple step-by-step on how to use SPI0 (to access same device directly from BBB) and still be able to use logi-bone??
It apears that if logi-bone is enabled (cape on, or non-blank eeprom) the SPI0 stops working...
Any tip would be appreciated..
My experiment:
- erased logibone eeprom; reboot;
- load SPI overlay (SPIDEV, Adafruit_BBIO, whatever...)
- SPI0 works as expected.
- reboot;
- manually load logibone overlay;
- logibone works as expected;
- load SPI overlay (as befored);
- logibone still working;
- SPI0 no longer works!