I'm running the 2014-5-14 Debian from the BeagleBone Black website and was delighted to see that the logibone drivers have already been included in the kernel.
However, after cloning the repository from github (
https://github.com/fpga-logi/logi-projects) and making sure the logibone loader was installed, I cannot push bit files to /dev/logibone, I have tried both with dd and the logi_loader but the following result appears:
$ dd if=logibone_r1_blink.bit of=/dev/logibone bs=4M
dd: writing `/dev/logibone': Inappropriate ioctl for device
0+1 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes (0
copied, 1.23868 s, 0.0 kB/s
If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be realy grateful.
Jonathan piat
The eeprom can b accessed with no problem whatever distro you use, you just need to run the script as sudo. I am away from my computer until the 13th so I have no way to try to o replicate your problem until then.
Jonathan piat