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  • RoboPeak usb display latest arm build for RPi2 I found: http://forums.pimoroni.com/t/dfrobot-2-8-usb-tft-pi-2-raspbian-setup-guide-advanced/594 then do not use rpi-update at all? for framebuffer use /dev/fb1: https://gist.github.com/akoskovacs/9ca9…
  • SCL is pin to avoid in my tests.
  • @mjones logi-pi has bitfile loaded, which is sending data across RPi GPIO pins, I would not expect this to effect shutdown, but it does. have reported to RPi lists: http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=104178 rpdom suggests …
  • my thoughts were not as clear, i'll forward link to RPi: http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=104178 tx! ~:"
  • to be clear, its not LogiPi-code its a variation on: http://www.pyroelectro.com/tutorials/fpga_vga_resistor_dac/software.html probably not enough to go on? I'll have a go at a reduced testcase and post, but clues as to which pin might be the cause?
  • LVDS working example could be good as there are many sensors and boards available. my specs are simple: I'm looking for global shutter and sync for stereo capability, cheap as possible given that Spartan6 embedded has limited data capacity, maybe q…
  • well the OV10625 seems suitable: http://www.ovt.com/download_document.php?type=sensor&sensorid=165 but how to source?
  • re: a new camera board that uses less pins and provide higher performances. would I be right to assume this new camera board will not be CSI-2? my understanding is that for say 5MP sensor CSI-2 is more or less required because parallel sensor has …
  • yup, a fantastic article!
  • comms issue: on the RPi there is also a ffc between the camera sensor and the camera board, thanks for the introduction to what camera boards do, I'd like a link or to see a simple more detailed introduction, as this is currently missing from the…
  • okay thanks for explanation.  to be clearer about ffc hirose, note Raspberry PiCam included this, and it gives 'flexibility' in particular the sensor can be for instance be mounted perpendicular to board.
  • I was looking at 1.3MP ov9655 which has a similar board. where is the list of sensors with compatible pinouts you mention? I found http://www.arducam.com/camera-modules/ but doesn't seem that helpful...
  • maybe you are thinking of openCL as in: SDAccel Development Environment from Xilinx regards ~:" but afaict this is  currently Intel only
  • I've collected a few papers on FPGA - GPU over PCIe communication Had you considered this? ie Nvidia Jetson or had you another idea? regards ~:"