Cannot Build Logi-Pi Wishbone using Xilinx ISE

I am trying to build the Logi Wishbone project for the logi-projects github repository, and when I open the .ise file I get the following message:

"The working directory specified for this project does not exist.  You can select a different directory, have the specified directory created on open, or cancel the open."

If I have it create the directory, I cannot generate the .bit file because I get an error saying the library "work" was not found.  

Am I just completely missing something here?


  • You may need to créateur the "work" directory at the dame level as the "ISE" directory. I will check if i can fix this on the gît but i am afraid that gît does nlt allow me to add an empty directory
  • Ok.  Sorry about that.  I don't think I correctly extracted the files from the repo the first time.  I had Xilinx create the working directory and all seems to be good now.  

    I jumped the gun a bit on this one.  I am able to generate the programming file now.  Thanks for taking the time to answer!
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