Stereo vision project on logibone

Hi i was just wondering if it was possible to run a stereo camera setup on the logibone using the logicam board.
I'm aware that the logibone only has 2 pmod ports hence my question is there someother ports i could use such as the GPIOs or maybe if i used single Pmod cameras such as these:

Thanks for you help


  • Its unlikely that this cam uses a single PMOD as its has 16pins (base on picture) and a PMOD only has 12 IO (including 4 pins for VCC/GND, hence only 8 pins for IO).

    On the LOGI-Bone doing stereo on the two PMODS is unlikely, we are working on a solution that will allow to connect a stereo pair on the LVDS (SATA connector) port. Until we get this solution workin, connecting a stereo bench won't be possible easily.

    One other problem with using a OV7670 sensor for stereo, is that its a rolling shutter sensor which will create artifact when looking at a moving scene (and cause a lot of problems with stereo algorithm)


    Jonathan Piat
  • Look at what the PMOD cam really look like :

    They are using two PMOD as we do.
  • thanks Johnathan for highlighting that there wasnt a pmod header on the camera board. 
    i was also wonder where the 32 FPGA IO pin were, i know that 16 pins are used in the pmod headers and im struggling to find the other 16 somewhere in the ardunino headers im trying to look at the schematics but im just getting confused
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